Friday, December 01, 2006


I just received my first acceptance from...drum roll........

Needless to say, I am very excited!!!

I had yet to receive a "complete" notice from Pitt, so when I received a small business size envelope, I expected that it was just a notice. Yet, when I picked it up, I noticed that it was a bit thicker than usual.

Could it be?.....

I opened the envelope and unfolded the letter and experienced a moment of sheer bliss as I basked in that glorious five syllable word.


The years of hard work, unpaid internships, extracurricular activities, staying in to study, all the hoops I had to jump through - finally paid off.

Hopefully the news will continue to be good. Pitt is a target school that I would have NO problem attending (despite being home to the Squeelers). Pitt is deff up there in the running, and their financial package that should come in a few weeks is sure to be very attractive. There are a hand full of schools I'd rather go to, but I don't expect to hear from them until well after the new year. Also, I would almost certainly have to trade some scholarship money for rankings.

I know everyone is hurting right now for decisions but hang in there. I know it sucks, but in the end, it will all be worth it.

Good luck to everyone waiting - Wish you all the best.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you! This is Matokah from LSD. Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS again on your first acceptance!! May there be many more coming your way. :)

11:23 AM  
Blogger JammYP said...

Thanks, same to you.

I'm starting to think about money now and I really hope Pitts helps me out (you hear that adcomms?). That would really help with my decisions. It seems that Pitt isnt one of those schools that will consider students as in-state after their first year - bummer. Hope their fin aid package is good.

6:25 PM  

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