Monday, September 11, 2006

Kweisi or Cardin?

The primary elections are tomorrow in Maryland in a year that will surely be one of the most memorable. The gubernatorial race is starting to heat up between incumbent Bob Ehrlich (R) and Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley (D) who will run uncontested as the Democratic nominee. O'Malley was up in polls a few months back against Ehrlich, which is expected in a state where Democrats have a 2-1 ratio over Republicans. However, Ehrlich is an excellent campaigner and has been closing in on O'Malley as I expected. His presence in Baltimore County - a key battle ground - has been very strong. Even though Marylanders have been historically blue, there have been hints of purple and the extremities (western MD/Eastern shore) are very much red. The O'Malley campaign will surely have it's hands full, and without a doubt, this race will be a doozie.

But with the primary around the corner (tomorrow), the Senate race is sure to be just as exciting. The Republican candidate will be Lt. Governor Michael Steele. The Democrats on the other hand, have two front runners coming up to the primaries, Congressman Ben Cardin (D-3rd) and former Congressman and NAACP President Kweisi Mfume. However, I'm compelled to recognize the other notable candidates such as Rales, Lichtman, and Van Susteren (not the Fox news anchor, her sister). Besides, I don't want Allen protesting in my office. I've met many of them and they all have very good ideas and appeal to my progressive Democratic ideals. But lets face it. Realistically, the primary will be Ben Cardin vs. Kweisi Mfume.

Both have an outstanding history of public service. Both actually entered into the US House of Representatives together with Ben serving for almost 2o years, and Kweisi serving for 10 years. Kweisi's story of early life of struggles, challenges, and overcoming those challenges is very appealing. I also feel that his political ideologies in terms of social policy are more aligned to my liberal side where as Cardin is more appealing in terms of his economic policies.

Despite my inclination towards Kweisi, I'm going to have to support Cardin for electoral reasons. Although Steele has never served as an elected official before his current position as Lt. Governor, he is a very serious and dangerous competitor in this race. He has the full backing of the national Republican Party and of Carl Rove - which is enough in and of itself to get me worried. As a moderate Democrat, Ben Cardin has the best shot at beating Steele in the general election. Mfume can easily be cast as a "bleeding heart liberal" to Marylanders, and key counties such as Baltimore and Howard may be put off by this, tipping the election to Steele. The last thing Democrats need in the Senate, is another seat going to the Republicans. This is not to say that I support Cardin on solely on his electability. He has been a great Congressman for the 3rd and has a great connections and influence on Capital Hill. But in a tight race like this, electability must seriously be taken into consideration.

One things for sure, tommorrows gonna be an interesting day.


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