Sunday, February 25, 2007

I am typing this properly

Well its been a while since my last post so I thought id shoot a post up while I watch the Oscars. On a side note, I decided to learn how to learn how to type properly (you know... asdfjk; home row, etc...) so i dont have to look down on the keyboard while I type. I recommend using Mavis Beacon, its a great program.

On the law school front, I finally heard back from my top choice - the University of Maryland, and I got waitlisted. Disappointed of course but I suppose it could be worse. I was actually hoping for either an outright acceptance or an outright rejection so that I could definitively go ahead and make final arrangements to go to wherever I end up matriculating. If Maryland gets back to me in August, I'm not sure I could drop all my prior engagements (especially if its to Wisconsin) for them. Oh and Cardozo also waitlisted me. Im letting that gestate in my brain for a little bit....

On the work front, Ive been working - a lot. It is some very interesting work however, more so than my last assignments. The overtime helps as well.

Ok well back to the Oscars. Marty better win this time...