Monday, November 13, 2006

Waiting continues

Well ive got about 21-22 applications total now. Ive spent about $1K on applications. I'm poor.

Im hoping to hear from some schools before xmas, but most likley wont hear untill after the new year.

With my new found free time ive started working out again. It feels good to get the juices flowing. After 5 months of nothing but LSAT Prep, work, and filling out applications with no physical activity what so ever, ive gained about 10 lbs. Sucks, but hopefully the sacrifices are worth it. To tell the truth, i just dont want to have to buy new suits...again. Suits are expensive and ill go anorexic before i have to redo my whole suit wardrobe.

On the political front, I couldnt have asked for anything better. Dems dominated the state as well as the nation. Nancy Pelosi (A Maryland native) will be the first woman speaker of the house. Perhaps this will prepare the minds of America for - dare I say - Hilary/Obama 08?

We shall see. Hopefully my next post will bare good news of an acceptance. Gluck to everyone else.